You don’t know when your mild fights with your life partner turned into a big fight which leads to you to end the relationship with your life partner. Many married couples do big fights at their home. Some choose to end the relationship and some choose to adjust. Some are confused because they love each other but they did not able to overcome the frequent fights which bring the bitterness in their relationship. Those decisions are big, life changing and hard to make. One should need guidance from their elders or God. Muslims perform istikhara before taking any big decision.

Istikhara is the Islamic practice of recitation and meditation to seek Allah’s guidance to make any big decision. If any couple is facing a problem regarding to their marriage life decisions or divorce then they should perform the istikhara prayer for divorce.



istikhara prayer for divorce


How to perform Istikhara?    

Istikhara is the prayer to seek Allah’s help before starting any task and one should know how to perform istikhara prayer for divorce if he or she is struggling in taking the decision of filing a divorce or not. This Istikhara prayer only works when you don’t have any option left.

This prayer should be done before going to bed and keep in mind that one should be pure enough to perform istikhara.

Pray two rakas’ of a ritual prayer.

In first raka, recite Surah al-Kafirun.

In the second raka, recite Surah al-Ikhlas.

After both the prayers are done recite istikhara prayer for marriage life decisions and divorce. During recitation one should think of a person to whom he or she is giving a divorce.

After performing all the above, go to bed and sleep. Allah will give you a sign in your dream whether your decision of filing a divorce is right or wrong.

How to do istikhara for divorce is not a big problem instead making a decision of filing a divorce or not, is much bigger problem. It is better to resolve disputes rather than filing a divorce. But if it is out your hands then praying istikhara for divorce is good option to choose.


What should be done after performing istikhara?  

If you are not getting your answer then it does not means that istikhara does not work instead it is you who did not performing properly. Istikhara need to recite daily until you did not get what you want. One should keep a patience to get the results because Allah will listen to you and he will respond you if you have properly performed Istikhara with pure heart.

One should have the sincerity, faith and patience while performing Istikhara because we do not get instantaneous results but Allah will listen to you and respond to you by giving you signs. It is important to keep in mind that if you are asking something from Allah then stays clear of your wish and you must know that only Allah can give you proper guidance and we cannot put him into our time-table.