Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice

Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice
Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice

Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice

Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice or to get married to someone you love can be use for desired marriage. You can use our wazifa to get married to a specific person.

Which Wazifa Use For Marriage of Own Choice?

It is one of life’s greatest blessings to find true love, and then to get married to the same person, leading to a long and satisfying life. There is a wazifa for marriage of your own choice to help you marry the person of your choice, and a powerful Dua or prayer can go a long way in helping you attain a life of bliss with your partner.

Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice
Wazifa For Marriage of Own Choice

When done correctly, this wazifa will ensure complete success and make your family members love the person you love as well.

  • The Dua must start on a Wednesday night
  • Perform Wadu with devotion
  • If you do not perform Wadu, then alternatively, repeat the “Ya Qayyum” for 21000 times
  • Then, recite the Sarood Shareef for ten times
  • Then pray to Allah so that he grants his blessings and so that you may marry the particular person with blessings of parents and relatives.

Make sure there are no illicit activities involved in your relationship. While you do Wazifa for marriage of your own choice, you should also ensure that the person you love and want to marry is also the right person for you, and he will not hurt you. To do so, you can perform the Nikkah Istikhara, which will show you negative signs if the person you are marrying is not right for you. Follow these steps:

  • Take a shower or make a fresh Gasul
  • Then, make an offering of two, four, six or eight rakhat nafal namaz
  • Read a Dua or a prayer to Allah
  • Then you can either recite Durood Shareed or Durood-De-Ibrahim for three times
  • Next, recite the Surah Fatah for three times
  • Then, send Savab to Prophet Muhammad and seek his blessings, with SallAllahu Allaye Wasallam.
  • After that, recite the Durood-De-Ibrahim for three times again.
  • Next, recite the Surah Fatha for three times
  • Then you recite, “Ya Hameedu Tahmatti bil ‘Hamde wal ‘Hamdu Fi ‘Hamdika Ya ‘Hameed” for three times with devotion.

You should do this ritual for seven days.

Which Wazifa Use To Get Married To Someone You Love?

Wazifa to get married to someone you love, When you love someone, it is only natural that you would want to marry the person as well. Here is a wazifa to help you marry someone you love. This will not only make the person you love to marry you, but the parents of both boys and girls will also accept one another.

  • This wazifa is to be done after praying fazr namaz.
  • Next, read the Ya Latifu with devotion
  • Then, read a powerful Dua praying for your love
  • Read the Dua for 184 times
  • This process should be followed for three consecutive days. You cannot miss a single day.

There is another Wazifa to marry someone you love and get him back if he was angry with you for some reason. Misunderstandings in a relationship are common, but this Dua will remove all of them, and you will be able to marry the person you love.

  • Do the Isha Namaz.
  • Take a shower before reading the Dua
  • Read a powerful Dua for your loved one for 786 times
  • While you are performing this Wazifa, you have to read the namaz five times a day during this period
  • Next, read the Surah Wazifa for 11 times after reading the Dua

You will surely be able to marry the love of your life.

Which Wazifa Use To Get Married To A Specific Person?

Wazifa To Get Married To A Specific Person, If you want to get married to a specific person and you want to get his or her attention, then you can try this Wazifa. This is best performed in the month of Roja, and you can get results in only three days. However, in other months of the year, you have to perform this ritual for three consecutive weeks, without missing a single day.

  • Make fresh Wadu or ablution, before the Wazifa
  • Next, recite the Durood Sharif for seven times
  • Then recite the powerful prayer 21 times as follows:

“Rabba Na Hab Lana Min Azwajina Wadhriyy Yatina Qurrata Ayioni Wajalna Lil Muttaqeena Imaama”.

  • Then again, recite the Durood Shareef for seven times.
  • While performing the Wazifa, concentrate all your energy and love thinking about the person you want to marry.

There is another wazifa if you want to marry a specific person.

  • First, cleanse yourself and perform ablution
  • Then, recite the Surah Al Kafirun for 73 times, without taking any breaks
  • Next, just before going to bed, recite the Sura Fatiha for 99 times.
  • Then, when you finally go to bed, make sure that your head and body are facing the “Qiblah.”
  • While performing this wazifa, make sure that you only have the sincerest thoughts for the specific person you want to marry.

Seek Allah’s blessings each night before going to sleep, and he will surely answer your prayers.

Which Wazifa Use For Desired Marriage?

Wazifa For Desired Marriage, With the kind of lifestyle we lead these days, it can be challenging to get the desired proposal for marriage. But performing this wazifa will help you get the desired match.

  • Firstly, make sure you read the namaz five times a day while performing wazifa for the period.
  • Wake up after midnight, ideally between 2 am and 4 am to perform the wazifa.
  • Then, read the Tahajjud Namaz. You can also consult a Maulvi to help you with it.
  • Then, read the Surah Rehamn for three times.
  • Next, read a Dua asking Allah to send a suitable and desirable match for you.

You are surely going to get the desired match very soon with the blessings of Allah. There is another wazifa to secure the desired marriage.

  • First, make Wadu or ablution and wash away all sinful thoughts from the deepest part of your heart.
  • Then, repeat the Durood Shareef for three times.
  • In the meantime, repeat the Ya Wadoodo 100 times every early morning and late at night.
  • Also, recite the Ya Ra_oofo for 101 times every day for the period.
  • Keep making heartfelt Dua for your desire so that you get the desired match.

With the wazifa for marriage of your own choice, you will have no trouble finding and marrying the love of your life.

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Dua To Convince Parents For Love Marriage